If you have preamp and two power amplifiers, or our integrated amplifier is leveled up by adding an additional power amplifier itself (our integra should be able to separate the preamp from the tip, so-called pre-out output)we will be able to supply speakers via two separate cables - bass and tweeter from two different power amplifiers. To separate these signals from each other, many manufacturers offer in their loudspeakers separation of tweeter section from the low-midrange. If we connect amplifier with speakers via cable, the current flowing through a single cable feeds delicate tweeter as well as mid-woofer speaker (s) with high power consumption . In this way the conductivity deteriorates which obviously affects the sound. Description Bandridge BSC 380 cleaning kit CD/DVD cleaning set, ideal for cleaning CD,DVD and Blu-ray discs. Produced copper oxide which is much weaker conductor than the proper copper. In the purified copper, electrons run straight to the goal, so the sound is not distorted. Then we can say that the signal has to go through a real slalom. vlawc26525e100 valueline 2 x 2.50mm2 speaker cable: netherlands: bangalore: pcs: 201: 439,365: 2,186: nov 19 2015: 85444299: part no lc1154 bandridge speakerflex 1. In case of low purity copper the amount of impurities which must be bypass is large. Resistance is by far the most important property to look at. It has three key electrical properties: resistance, capacitance and inductance. 1: Wejcie Ethernet/LAN: Wejcie ethernet umoliwia poczenie z urzdzeniem routera, komputera lub serwera przez kabel sieciowy, popularn skrtk. Speaker cable is the wire used for the electrical connections between speakers and amplifier sources. The signal which is running through the guide should encounter on its way as little obstructions as possible. Maj lepsze waciwoci elektryczne, ni zwyke kable audio, zakoczone s zczem RCA.